You must start now if you're not submitting articles to article directories.

I'd been o-nline for quite a while and often heard that you needed to publish articles. Naturally I never did for the fact that I didnt have a clue about internet search engine optimizations and since I didnt, I really had no need to publish articles.

Boy was I wrong! In-fact I dont know if I have ever been so wrong in my life :) To this day I dont know much about search engines but I dont should. I get close to 1200 gets a day just from articles that I've presented to numerous directories.

Distributing an article is equally as simple as it looks, distribute it and write an article.

Like used to do you would never begin however if you dont get the effort rewarding. Therefore I am going to attempt to do my best to convince you otherwise.

A great method that I have come up with is every-time I produce an article and add it to my website I also submit it to the many article websites that I have found and added to my notepad. I've 4-7 article directories stored in my own notepad it takes only about an hour to send one article to these.

On average I send around 3 articles a week to these 4-7 directories and on average I net 15-25 sales a week on different plans. If you were to think about it 1 hour each day is nothing in comparison with the returns.

I've also began to use Isnare to auto send my report to thousands of ezine marketers a day which will be a steal for only $2 bucks I spend a day. To get another perspective, please consider glancing at: [ home well water filters].

Ezine announcer isnt to shabby either. Keep in mind that I dont know much about search-engines and I get around 10-0 unique visitors each day to my website from google.

When you start distributing articles in a fast pace as I do you will see outstanding results. You probably wont believe your eyes when I did when sales start flooding your email. Anything this simple should not be over looked by any marketer and I hope this article teaches you why.

I have created a quick few directories which should get you started in your way to happy posting.

Browse the full report with active links at my blog!.